At Prairie Mall Dental Clinic in Grande Prairie, our wide range of restorative dental services help restore the normal appearance and function of your smile.

What is Restorative Dental Care?
Restorative dental care encompasses all procedures that aim to return the normal function and appearance of your smile.
By repairing damaged or missing teeth and other structural issues, our dentists can help restore your smile, your oral health, and your confidence.
At Prairie Mall Dental Clinic, our dentists can develop a customized treatment plan to meet your requirements.
Dental Crowns in Grande Prairie
To prevent a fractured tooth from further degrading, crowns are often placed over teeth to restore their appearance and function. They can also be attached to bridges or cover dental implants. Crowns may also help restore a discoloured or stained tooth to its natural colour.
Dental Bridges in Grande Prairie
Bridges are natural looking, custom-made tooth replacements that replace a section of middle teeth. Barely noticeable, these dental restorations are bonded to existing teeth or dental implants and can serve to restore the bite between upper and lower teeth, and the natural contour of a tooth.
Dental Fillings in Grande Prairie
Tooth-coloured composite fillings repair damage to teeth, such as cavities or fractures. The constant stress of chewing and daily use shouldn't affect these fillings, which can be used on both front and back teeth.
Root Canals in Grande Prairie
During a root canal, your dentist removes diseased blood vessels, nerves and tissues from your tooth's interior. By eliminating bacteria and decay, your dentist can stop infection from spreading and prevent the need for a tooth extraction.
Periodontal (Gum) Therapy in Grande Prairie
When tissues of the mouth are infected, including gums, alveolar bone, cementum, gingiva and the periodontal ligament, gum disease develops and can impact your overall health.
If caught in its early stages, your dentist will recommend non-surgical gum therapy to reverse mild gum diseases, which encompasses root planing and scaling.
Dental scaling entails removing plaque from the tooth's surface just below the gum line, while root planing extends deeper beneath the gum line to smooth surfaces of tooth roots. This process allows the gums to reattach properly.
Treatment will depend on severity and type of disease.
Restorations in Grande Prairie
Same-Day Restorations in Grande Prairie
Our dentist use a range of technology to create and place crowns, inlays and onlays during a single dental appointment to help restore your smile. No need for impressions or temporaries - just tooth-coloured, metal-free restorations in one easy visit.
Inlays & Onlays in Grande Prairie
When tooth damage develops and is too severe for a standard dental filling, inlays and onlays are permanently cemented to the tooth as a single piece to fix cavities. These tooth-coloured porcelain fillings are custom-made in a dental lab.