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Your Grande Prairie Dentist Exposes 5 Dental Hygiene Myths

At Prairie Mall Dental Clinic, we know from speaking with our patients that there are many misconceptions about proper dental hygiene. Grande Prairie people both young and old have come to believe numerous bits of false information that can impair their oral health. So, let’s do some myth busting and set the record straight. Here are five common myths and the real truth about your teeth and gums.

1. The more sugar you eat, the more likely you are to get cavities

When it comes to cavity prevention, what matters isn’t the amount of sugar but the length of time it’s in contact with your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth that causes dental decay feeds off sugars that linger in your mouth. But if you thoroughly brush your teeth soon after eating any sweets—no matter their number—you’ll rob the bacteria of the opportunity to multiply and grow. So, what matters isn’t how many sweets, but how soon after eating them you clean your teeth.

2. The best time to brush is right after you eat a meal

Intact enamel is critical to your oral health. But if you brush as soon as your dinner plate has been cleared, you risk damaging this outer layer of your teeth. This is because acids found in many foods can strip away enamel, and when you brush immediately after you eat, these acids get worked into the teeth and strip away their protective layer. The best policy? Brush thirty minutes after you eat.

3. Bleeding gums are no big deal

Mistakenly, many people think that bleeding gums aren’t a cause for concern. Not so. Bleeding gums could indicate a number of serious dental hygiene issues, from periodontal disease to oral cancer. If your gums bleed when you brush, get to your Grande Prairie dentist, ASAP.

4. Diet soda isn’t bad for your teeth

Sugar in soda promotes cavities and is harmful to your teeth. But, it’s not the only reason why dentists try to steer you away from drinking soda. Almost all sodas—including diet—have phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid strips away the enamel in your teeth, making them vulnerable to rot and fracturing. Diet or not, all sodas are detrimental to your oral health.

5. Poor dental hygiene only affects your mouth

The body is a whole and interconnected system. It’s not surprising then that modern scientific research indicates a strong correlation between your dental health and your overall health. Notably, diabetes and heart disease have a connection to your oral well-being. When you take care of your teeth, you’re taking care of your general health too.

Best practices

The old advice of daily brushing and flossing in conjunction with regular visits to your Grande Prairie family dental clinic remains the same. Do these things for your best possible dental health. Contact us today to schedule a cleaning and check-up. 

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